Over One Hundred Followers on Twitch!

It’s not much, but it’s ours! That you all for helping grow the channel. Special shoutout to the following guests. These guys often pop in on their own time to help keep the stream interesting: Brandon, Lighig, and Spencer. And to my cohosts Hunter / Derrick.

And a huge thanks to the following people who have helped us financially by donating on Twitch:

reverendichabod {Tier 1}

lighig2 {Tier 1}

sicktemplar {Tier 1}

And to our one patron, Cameron.

Anyone interested in supporting us can help by sending us some money via Paypal, Twitch, or Patreon. We prefer Paypal since it gives us the biggest cut of the pie, but having subscribers on Twitch is more consistent money. As an additional bonus, doing so will grant you some extra emotes on our channel.

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

As well as a badge when you comment. If you have an Amazon Prime account, you can subscribe to one channel a month for free! Keep in mind, subscribing with an Amazon Prime account does not give you the option to auto-renew. So for continued support, please be sure to come back each month. We appreciate it 🙂

In other news, Derrick plans on helping me stream more frequently. So if all goes according to plan, expect to see more regular streams. If there’s a particular game you guys would like to see played, please be sure to let us know. We’ve streamed one-offs like Detroit Become Human, Risk of Rain, Terraria, Minecraft, and others. There have even been more technical streams that go over 3D printing, font design, and others. Just let us know what you like, and we’ll try to do it. Those looking to keep in touch should go to our new website antisocialsociety.com.

<3 Conner

By the way, most of your donations will be going towards recouping the cost of this domain. Which cost me a small fortune because the stupid domain was parked (illegal, but when has that stopped anyone). Thanks domain parkers! But it had to be done to give ourselves a more stable platform. A centralized location for people to gather. Social media is nice, but it isn’t a democracy anymore. Always best to have your own raft if you can afford one. Anyone interested in contacting me can do so on the Contact Us page.

And for those interested in subscribing to the mostly-dead YouTube channel, you can do so by clicking [Here].


Personal Channel [Here]

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